Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sugar, Sunshine, and Link Love

Today's 31 DBBB challenge happened to coincide well with something I've been needing to post for awhile... maybe it's cheating but who's gonna stop me? ;) I (relatively) recently received two blog awards from two fabulous bloggers! And since today's 31 DBBB challenge is to link some great blogs, I'm gonna kill two birds with one stone. Here we go!

Over a month ago now the delightful Sippy Cup Mom gave me the Sugar Doll Award! How cute is that name for a blog award?

I'm supposed to: thank the person who gave me the award, share 10 things about myself, and pass along the award to 10 other worthy bloggers.

So first, 10 things about me:

1. I love to sing. Preferably loudly, in the car.
2. The toilet paper has to pull from the top, not the bottom.
3. I'm a helpless romantic.
4. I have very long thumbs. Like, kind of freakish when you pay close attention.
5. In 8th grade, my closet door was covered in pictures of Matt Damon.
6. I'm a picky eater.
7. I've been to 12 countries. (13 next month!)
8. If I were a crayon, I'd be periwinkle.
9. I think birds of prey are the coolest.
10. I'm super excited to be a mom someday.

Now I shall pass the award to some bloggy friends upon whom, were I ever to use the expression "Sugar Doll," I would bestow it.

1. Melissa at Miel et Lait
2. Julie at Dutch Being Me
3. Lindsey at A New Life
4. Holley at Heart to Heart with Holley
5. Sarah Mae at Like a Warm Cup Of Coffee
6. Jessica at Muthering Heights
7. Laura Jane at Call Me Laura Jane
8. Cristin at The Domestic Savages
9. Mirinda at October Belle Designs for Kids
10. Marina at Penny Lane Designs Blog

Thank you Sippy Cup Mom! You are so appreciated! (Especially for all your twitter love.)

And much more recently, the lovely Natalie of Blonde at Heart gave me the Sunshine Award! Thank you Natalie!! The rules for this one are to pass on the Sunshine award to 12 other blogs whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blog world. So for this one I'm going to share some love with other participants of the 31 DBBB challenge that I've discovered this week. I think they're pretty special!

1. Rediscovering Domesticity
2. Seeing God In It All
3. Crayon Wrangler
4. Geek. Girl. Wife
5. Colleenie's Couch
6. New Heart, New Life
7. Scientific Nature of the Whammy
8. Chickadee Prints
9. Exposing the Drapes to My 20's
10. Travel with the Magic
11. Real Life with Kids
12. This Mom's Delight (she's not actually doing 31 DBBB but she's just delightful)

Now go visit those lovely bloggers, and be sure to share the love! And then, be sure to check out the raffles going on over here if you haven't already!

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Mirinda said...

So sweet!! And so fun to get involved!! Thanks a ton :)

So Who Is The Crayon Wrangler? said...

Thank you so much! Nice to know that my craziness translates to being positive!
I appreciate you being a reader!

Stephanie said...

Congrats! You must mean a lot to a lot of bloggers. Those are very sweet awards.

melaina said...

Thanks so much for the award! i'm glad that you have enjoyed what i've written. And congrats on getting those fun awards yourself! You deserve them!

Tami @ This Mom's Delight said...

Thanks! Is it too late to join the 31 DBBB challenge?

Colleen said...

You're welcome ladies. :) Thank you for the kind words!

Tami - it's not too late for 31DBBB! We're on day 9, but you can jump in and catch up at your own pace. It's fun, you should do it!

Rachael said...

Thank you! I'm so glad someone's enjoying my blog!

eileen ludwig said...

Hello Colleen,

Love your list about yourself. It was nice to get a little more about you. List other bloggers you like was nice too


Colleen said...

You made my day! Thanks so much! Finding you're blog has been a joy. Tami, jump in! I'm having a blast and I never would have found Colleen if I wasn't doing the challenge.