Tuesday, July 20, 2010

ProBlogger Challenge

Just to make my life more complicated (and fun!), in the midst of all this fundraising, I'm also joining The SITS Girls in the ProBlogger Challenge, and will be trying all kinds of new blog-related things in the next 31 days.

The first challenge (as of yesterday, because naturally I'm one day behind) was to create an Elevator Pitch, which is a description of your blog that could be stated to another person during the course of an elevator ride. So here's mine:

A single girl in a small town loving a big God with her whole heart. Living the adventure of walking by faith, learning from mistakes, meeting people where they're at, and loving them like crazy. Kick off your shoes and sit in the grass with me.

Like it?

If you're visiting from the challenge, please check out how you could win a blog makeover here and here!

Want to read more? Subscribe!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this! Great elevator pitch! You are now officially linked & loved by the Geek.Girl.Wife

Colleen said...

Thank you Serenity! For some reason your profile is not available when I click on your name. I'll have to find you somehow!