Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Memory Lane

My Blog-iversary is coming up, on August 19th. 2 years! But, I'll be in Haiti helping the earthquake victims, and therefore not able to have a virtual party. (Incidentally, the raffles for that cause are still open, please see here to help out and enter to win big!) So... in celebration of my 2 years of blogging, I'm now going to reminisce on some of my favorite moments in my blogging history. (It conveniently intercedes with an assignment from 31 DBBB.) Join me?

I started blogging because I moved from California to Oregon and wanted to keep my friends and family updated on my life. Recently, due to some human and divine inspiration, my blog has taken a
different direction.

In the early blogging days, though, I wrote about such things as
my battle with the dryer in my new apartment, my first snowy winter, and my dependence on technology. I also shared a lot of the details of life in a new city, which aren't all that exciting to read two years later.

I did start writing a bit about my faith that year... what it taught me about
acceptance and rejection, the extravagance of God's love, as well as His sense of humor. Those posts were the most meaningful to me, and they are part of how I discovered this blogging stuff was much more than I originally thought.

More recently, I haven't ceased to include fun and silly posts. I've blogged about my
trip to Spain last summer, my best friend, and the qualities I look for in a man. I've also told my readers about some of my favorite places, some of my thoughts on vulnerability, and 10 of my secrets to working with troubled teens.

I've also been sharing about my faith journey in a series called Story of My Life, starting with my
roots, then my salvation story, and a bit about answered prayer.

Blogging has been a journey, and I can't wait to see what the future holds. Just looking back through my posts for the purpose of writing this one was a lot of fun. It changes as much as I do, if not more, but it also keeps record of all the lessons I learn along the way. Happy early Blogiversary to me. :)

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Sarah B @ Life. Love. Sincerely. said...

Woohoo! Happy {early} two-year blog-iversary! I have a love/not-really-like relationship with looking back at some of my older posts... one thing has definitely stayed the same: I'm pretty random. (Although after reading your post about vulnerability I've been considering switching things up a little and getting more personal...)

PS. Sorry if this ends up showing a bazillion times... Blogger isn't letting me comment with my Wordpress account!


Jessica said...

Wow. Haiti. What a wonderful thing to do. Good luck!

Colleen said...

Happy early anniversary!!!! I think I missed my 2nd. It was sometime in July, I'll have to check. So we started around the same time! Congrats!

nia said...

Happy early blog-iversary, and thanks for commenting on my blog! I hope your journey continues where you want it to go, and you have many more wonderful memories to post!

Stacy @Delighting in the Days said...

Your blog is so pretty! I love your header. Happy blogiversary to you!

I'm visiting from SITSgirls 31DBBB. Glad to have found you.

Carolyn Ward said...

Great post - it`s like sitting down for a coffee with you... not many blogs make me want to actually follow all those links, but I just might do that here! (Especially your story one, because I`m writing my own right now, too.)

Kelly said...

Wanted to stop by from 31DBBB and let you know that I really appreciate all the Twitter support you and the gals have given me during this challenge! I am still playing catch up (on Day 13) but since today is a day to leave comments and I wanted to thank you, I thought I'd go ahead and do today!

You are going to Haiti! Awesome! It will be soul altering from what I have heard from a friend. She recently went there for two weeks. I will email you the link to her blog diary of her trip (or it is on the blog roll on my blog)- the pictures are a-maz-ing, beautiful and heart wrenching!

Colleen said...

Thanks ladies!

Sarah Lou - I'm random too! It's so encouraging to know that one of my posts made you think. Really, it means a lot.

Stacy - Thanks for the lovely words. I love my header too, I have Marina at Penny Lane Designs to thank for it.

Carolyn - that's a very sweet thing to say. And I feel inspired to at some point write a post titled "Sitting Down For Coffee Together." :)

Kelly - Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. I've also been very encouraged by you and the other 31DBBB ladies on twitter. Thanks so much for the link too, I was reading some of your friend's blog last night, and I definitely want to go back and finish reading it before I leave - very helpful information, and beautiful writing and pictures!