Friday, July 30, 2010

And The Winners Are...

Thank you sooo much to everyone who entered my raffles and donated to my Haiti trip!! You are so appreciated.

Without further ado, here are the winners of the raffles:

Blog Makeover from Laura Jane Designs: Megan from It's A Love Dare
Blog Makeover from Creative Creations By Cristin: Kristina from The Churchill Family and Life as We Know It
$25 Gift Certificate from October Belle Designs: Julie from Dutch Being Me
Blog Makeover from Penny Lane Designs: Tami from This Mom's Delight

The winners were selcted using a random number generator. I will contact all of you shortly to make sure you are in contact with the appropriate designer. Congratulations! Thank you again to all who entered.


Tami @ said...

I think you have mine crossed with another. Here's the link to the one I entered:

Tami @

Megan said...

Thank you so much!! (But I'll be doing it for Infertile Myrtle ;0) )

Kristina Churchill said...

Wow, can't believe I won! Thank you so much and safe journeys!


Colleen said...

I sent you an e-mail Tami to clear things up. :)

Sorry about that Megan! I wasn't sure...

To all 3 of you: Thank you so much for donating!! I hope you enjoy your winnings, and if you have any problems getting in touch with your designers, let me know. Congrats!