Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Outstanding Blogger Award!

Brenda at Peek At My Paper gave me a blog award! Yay! I'm so glad I participate in something (blogging) that involves awards sometimes. I've never really been competitive at anything, but wow are awards fun! And in the blog world you can just keep passing the honor! So fun. Anyhow, thank you thank you to Brenda for giving me the Outstanding Blogger Award! I'm honored.

Here's what I have to do now:

1) Thank the person who gave me this award. Thanks again Brenda!
2) Share 7 things about myself.

1. I have a BS in Child Development from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, and 1/3 of a Master's in Counseling from Western Seminary
2. I'm really good at getting teenagers to like me (even the angry ones)
3. I pray for squirrels when I think someone's about to run them over
4. I hate spiders, but I think snakes are neat.
5. I always squeeze toothpaste from the bottom and work my way up.
6. I play the harp
7. I want to be a foster mom.

3) Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who I have recently discovered and who I think are fantastic!

So without further ado, here are my recent favorites:

1. The Life of a Sippy Cup Mom

2. My Home in the Smokies

3. Ordinary Inspirations

4. So Stinkin' Cute

5. A Nuttier Life

6. Blonde At Heart

7. Love Comma Ashlee

8. Ann On And On

9. Some Days You Gotta Dance

10. Life Sunnyside Down

11. Loud And Out Of Key

12. Ma21Cuteboy

13. Living in Love With Jesus

14. Among The Blossoms

15. The Redhead Riter

In other news, my last (and mostly boring) post, was actually my 100th post! So yay for that. Even though I did nothing exciting to honor it. :P

And.... 2.5 hours until the Buddy Notes giveaway closes! Last chance to win a 6 month Pen Pal for your child!

Want to read more? Subscribe!


Jenna said...

Oh you're so sweet! Thank you! :)

Welcome said...

Colleen, oh my thank you soo very much for the lovely blog award. I cannot explain how much this means except to let you know that this is my first blog award ever!! Thanks so very much....

Love it!!!


Joy said...

thank you for the award! That was so sweet of you! :)

Jessica-Lauren said...

Hi LOVEE your blog! :) I came across your blog from Kiki's page.. I would like to follow you, I'm new to the blogging world so My blog is not so exciting right now but its getting there! I would be more than happy if you followed me too!

<3 Jessica-Lauren

Mrs. B. said...

Oh my, you are just the bee's knees! Thank you so much!

Now, what's your secret with these angry teens...I might need to know that someday. ;)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the award! I am gonna pass the love on soon! It takes awhile to make that post huh?

Unknown said...

I finally got to the post, and posted the award! Thanks again..

Tillie said...

thanks so much for the award!! You are a doll!! :)