So, as I mentioned, I have been praying about what God has for me. I haven't gotten a big, booming answer, but I feel like things are heading in the right direction. I will share more about the things that I discover about His plans as I discover them. The main purpose of this post, however, is to share my most recent discovery, which may affect you readers.
As you may or may not know about me, one of my passions is writing. I dream of writing a book someday, but that seems like a huge, insurmountable task, especially considering that I have a B.S. in Child Development, and took no more than the base requirements in college English. When I do sit down to write, just for the sake of writing, I often draw a blank. I have at times wondered if this passion of mine is just a futile waste of time. But recently, I discovered that it is not. The other day, literally moments after praying for God to show me how I can better serve Him, I sat down to read. I am reading a book called Lady in Waiting: Becoming God's Best While Waiting For Mr. Right, by Jackie Kendall and Debby Jones. A book that I was pretty embarrassed to buy, mainly because of the title, but which has been so good for me. This is what I opened up to read that day:
The Ministry of Writing
This ministry requires pen, paper, and a willing heart. Much of the New Testament was originally written as letter to believers. An encouraging letter or post card [read: or blog post; this book was written before the internet. Gasp!] can be read and re-read. The Lord wants you to be involved in the lives of those around you and writing is one of those opportunities.
Wow. Talk about a very clear answer to prayer. It also co-incided with my discovery of other women's blogs that are so encouraging to my heart, so why shouldn't mine be the same? I want to be sure that those in my life who do not share the same belief system as I do (and there are many of you) understand that I do not want to force my beliefs down your throat. But I do want to share and encourage in the best way I know how. And since Jesus is my hope and my joy, He is the way I know how. I will still share silly anecdotes and pictures of my adventures, but my blog has a higher calling now. ;) Buckle your seatbelts.
That's a really great book! :) I used it as a reference during a discipleship group I recently led that was based on the book of Ruth.
It's so cool that God prompted you to minister through writing!! I can't wait to read what he has placed on your heart!! Go for it!! :)
Oh my...I'm SO glad I found you on the SITS Blog Frog! We are both in similar places in life and use our blogs in similar ways. I am 27, single with a great desire to be a wife and mother, but that's not what God has for me right now. While I trust God may bring that at any time, I know that until then I'll seek to use my singleness for His glory, and one way is through my blog. So excited to read yours!
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