Thursday, August 28, 2008

Western Seminary - Soon to Be My Second Home

I had my orientation at Western today. It went really well. I'm very excited to be here. I have my interview for counseling on Tuesday, and if all goes well I will be taking the following classes this semester (for those who care): Discovering and Developing Ministry Potential, Psychopathology, and Legal and Ethical Issues (that's a counseling class). I met a lot of really nice people (no I have not made weekend plans with anyone, and I haven't received a marriage proposal yet). I am going to a dinner thing tomorrow night for new students, so that should be fun (and potentially awkward, but such is life). So, it was another good day in Portland. Hopefully I will get my furniture soon, and I will feel like I actually live here! Andrew if you are reading this... thanks for the comment. I can't comment back because your blog is not available to the public. What's that about? And family... thanks again for reading. Love you and miss you.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Home is Where Your Bed Is...

... well technically air mattress. But I am no longer homeless! Last night was the first night in my new apartment. It's much better than I originally thought. The area is safe, it's just not the cutest neighborhood you ever saw. But the apartments are cute, aside from the faded paint on the doors, which they have assured me will be repainted soon (we'll see about that...) It's only about 10 mintues from my school, which I've learned how to get to and from, and where I'm currently using the computer. (Oh, I finally got into school guys!)And, the great part about being in the city is that I am like two minutes away from everything I could possibly need. It's pretty great. There is a school orientation on Thursday, and I will sign up for my classes then. And I have to call my new boss today to discuss my work situation. So everything is falling into place, and I'm pretty excited about it all. To my family members (and Kayla): thanks for the comments, I miss you guys too. In closing, here are some pictures of my new place:

Monday, August 25, 2008

Homeless in Portland...

Well, I made it here. I am writing from the hotel that I stayed at last night and the night before. I just checked out, and when I leave here I will be officially homeless. Just waiting on a call about the apartment that I applied for... here's hoping. Anyway, my mom and I made it up here smoothly, the drive was a lot easier than I thought it would be. We stayed in Ashland on Friday night, and had dinner at a nice little Italian restaurant. The downtown area was pretty cute. Saturday morning we finished the journey. I took my mom over to the Pearl district (or possibly the Alphabet district... 23rd street for those who know what I'm talking about). We walked the dogs and then had dinner at a fancy modern restaurant called 23Hoyt. We were the only ones who wanted to sit in the air-conditioned indoor seating, since it was 90 degrees out, but the Portlandians were out basking in the rare heat. Then we got chocolate and champagne and went back to the hotel to watch a movie. It was pretty cute of us. Sunday we went to see my new apartment (hopefully), which is not a dream come true, but it will have to do, since I'm homeless. I showed my mom the school, and then we had lunch before I dropped her at the airport. Now it's just me. I'm really excited to be here, but the last couple weeks my stress and nerves have been manifesting physically. There should be a warning label: "Moving To Portland may cause nausea, indigestion, clenching and grinding of teeth which then causes jaw pain and headaches. If you are pregnant, nursing, or have a heart condition, consult your doctor before trying Moving To Portland." I'll survive though. The difficult part should be over soon. I'm going to go work on my cardboard sign now.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

On the road...

Well, this is it. Tomorrow morning my Mom and I start the loong drive up to Portland. We are staying in Ashland tomorrow, which is at the south end of Oregon, just beyond the border. Then Saturday we'll finish the drive. It should be interesting, especially given that my car is packed to the brim with my stuff, and my mom and two dogs are going to have to fit in there somewhere. Plus I had to get doggy prozac for Penny because she hates the car. We'll see how it works. I don't officially have an apartment yet, which certainly adds to the adventure, but I've applied for one, and I'll post pictures as soon as I can, if I get it. Until then, adieu.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Big Move

Hello all. I am returning to the blog world, and it has welcomed me back with open arms. I figured there are a few people who will want to stay updated on my wild adventures in the Pacific Northwest, so I decided that blogspot was the place to be. I promise that I will never write about what I had for lunch, the lengthy details of my nightly dreams, or pass on the fascinating lectures from my professors. I only plan to post pictures and updates on how I'm doing, and, on occasion, use it as an outlet for my raging sarcasm, which I might have to hold back for awhile, on account of not wanting to offend new friends. I will warn you that I may get emo every once in awhile (that's short for emotional, Mom) since everyone I love will now be a plane ride away. I'll try to keep it upbeat though. So, I want to say a quick thank you to everyone who has made my transition out of California a smooth one (you know who you are). I love you all, and I'll miss you like crazy. Peace.