... be back the 21st. With undoubtedly lots of pictures and stories to share. I'd love it if you'd pray for my trip while I'm over there. Thank you and God bless!
You are so brave to be there. The pics you posted are mind-blowing. I can't begin to imagine actually being there. You and everyone there are in my prayers.
A single girl living in a small town loving a big God with her whole heart. Living the adventure of walking by faith, learning from mistakes, meeting people where they're at, and loving them like crazy. Kick off your shoes and sit in the grass with me.
"I am a dreamer, a wisher, a crier, a hoper, a prayer, a magic bean buyer. I'm a pretender, so sit by my fire, for we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in, come in."
Credit to Shel Silverstein - one of my childhood heroes. (Edit by me.)
I'm sure you will do a lot of good while you are there. You and Haiti will be in my prayers.
Praying today for you and what you're doing down there. Can't wait to hear more about it.
I can't wait to hear about your trip!
You are so brave to be there. The pics you posted are mind-blowing. I can't begin to imagine actually being there. You and everyone there are in my prayers.
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