Friday, July 30, 2010
And The Winners Are...
Without further ado, here are the winners of the raffles:
Blog Makeover from Laura Jane Designs: Megan from It's A Love Dare
Blog Makeover from Creative Creations By Cristin: Kristina from The Churchill Family and Life as We Know It
$25 Gift Certificate from October Belle Designs: Julie from Dutch Being Me
Blog Makeover from Penny Lane Designs: Tami from This Mom's Delight
The winners were selcted using a random number generator. I will contact all of you shortly to make sure you are in contact with the appropriate designer. Congratulations! Thank you again to all who entered.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Memory Lane
I started blogging because I moved from California to Oregon and wanted to keep my friends and family updated on my life. Recently, due to some human and divine inspiration, my blog has taken a different direction.
In the early blogging days, though, I wrote about such things as my battle with the dryer in my new apartment, my first snowy winter, and my dependence on technology. I also shared a lot of the details of life in a new city, which aren't all that exciting to read two years later.
I did start writing a bit about my faith that year... what it taught me about acceptance and rejection, the extravagance of God's love, as well as His sense of humor. Those posts were the most meaningful to me, and they are part of how I discovered this blogging stuff was much more than I originally thought.
More recently, I haven't ceased to include fun and silly posts. I've blogged about my trip to Spain last summer, my best friend, and the qualities I look for in a man. I've also told my readers about some of my favorite places, some of my thoughts on vulnerability, and 10 of my secrets to working with troubled teens.
I've also been sharing about my faith journey in a series called Story of My Life, starting with my roots, then my salvation story, and a bit about answered prayer.
Blogging has been a journey, and I can't wait to see what the future holds. Just looking back through my posts for the purpose of writing this one was a lot of fun. It changes as much as I do, if not more, but it also keeps record of all the lessons I learn along the way. Happy early Blogiversary to me. :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sugar, Sunshine, and Link Love
Over a month ago now the delightful Sippy Cup Mom gave me the Sugar Doll Award! How cute is that name for a blog award?
I'm supposed to: thank the person who gave me the award, share 10 things about myself, and pass along the award to 10 other worthy bloggers.
So first, 10 things about me:
1. I love to sing. Preferably loudly, in the car.
2. The toilet paper has to pull from the top, not the bottom.
3. I'm a helpless romantic.
4. I have very long thumbs. Like, kind of freakish when you pay close attention.
5. In 8th grade, my closet door was covered in pictures of Matt Damon.
6. I'm a picky eater.
7. I've been to 12 countries. (13 next month!)
8. If I were a crayon, I'd be periwinkle.
9. I think birds of prey are the coolest.
10. I'm super excited to be a mom someday.
Now I shall pass the award to some bloggy friends upon whom, were I ever to use the expression "Sugar Doll," I would bestow it.
1. Melissa at Miel et Lait
2. Julie at Dutch Being Me
3. Lindsey at A New Life
4. Holley at Heart to Heart with Holley
5. Sarah Mae at Like a Warm Cup Of Coffee
6. Jessica at Muthering Heights
7. Laura Jane at Call Me Laura Jane
8. Cristin at The Domestic Savages
9. Mirinda at October Belle Designs for Kids
10. Marina at Penny Lane Designs Blog
Thank you Sippy Cup Mom! You are so appreciated! (Especially for all your twitter love.)
And much more recently, the lovely Natalie of Blonde at Heart gave me the Sunshine Award! Thank you Natalie!! The rules for this one are to pass on the Sunshine award to 12 other blogs whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blog world. So for this one I'm going to share some love with other participants of the 31 DBBB challenge that I've discovered this week. I think they're pretty special!

2. Seeing God In It All
3. Crayon Wrangler
4. Geek. Girl. Wife
5. Colleenie's Couch
6. New Heart, New Life
7. Scientific Nature of the Whammy
8. Chickadee Prints
9. Exposing the Drapes to My 20's
10. Travel with the Magic
11. Real Life with Kids
12. This Mom's Delight (she's not actually doing 31 DBBB but she's just delightful)
Now go visit those lovely bloggers, and be sure to share the love! And then, be sure to check out the raffles going on over here if you haven't already!

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Raffle: Penny Lane Designs
If you don't want the long-winded version, here's the short: For every $1 you donate to my Haiti trip, you get one entry toward the prize below. Then just leave a comment saying you donated. That's it!
Today's giveaway is a total blog makeover from Penny Lane Designs! Marina at Penny Lane Designs is the amazing designer who beautified my blog! I can't even tell you how much I love her designs. And she truly translated exactly what I imagined and created something even better! Go check out her other amazing designs:

The makeover includes a Custom Blog Design (Background and Header, Matching Text and Links) with 6 Sidebar Items and a Post Signature, worth $100! This is truly a steal.
Marina designs for Blogger blogs only.
To enter just click here or on the "Donate" box on the top right and then leave your comment. This giveaway is open until 12:00 pm on Friday, July 30th. The winner will be announced that afternoon.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
10 Of My Secrets To Working With Troubled Teens
1. Show no fear. I'm not kidding. If you are dealing with your average variety of teenager, this may not be an issue. But many kids who grew up on the streets, in poverty, or in abusive homes, have learned how to be intimidating. And they are like bees, they can smell fear. So even if you are terrified on the inside, find a way to put your game face on. Because a child cannot trust an adult who is afraid of them. Could you?
2. Do not take things personally. They are giant balls of hormones, they can't help themselves. Mood swings just come with the territory. If they feel like they're hurting your feelings all the time, they will feel guilty. And their emotional maturity level does not process guilt well, so it generally just turns into an even worse attitude. Just remind yourself it's not you, it's them.
3. Pick your battles. Stick to your guns when it comes to important stuff that involves their health, safety, and growth as a human being. The fact that they never remember to replace the toilet paper or they always pop their gum may not be worth an enormous power struggle.
4. Use humor. I find sarcasm works especially well, due to the generally cynical nature of teens. This one perfectly follows #2 and #3, and here's why - if they do something that annoys/offends/upsets you, but it's in the category of "not worth the battle" - make a joke! Humor can take them out of their funk and make you both feel better. You can even make fun of them! (As long as you are actually kidding, and they know it.) I do it all the time. :P
5. Be empathic. Remember when you were a teenager and you thought no one in the world had ever or would ever feel the way you did? A little understanding goes a long way. Especially when you're trying to get them to do something, and they are frustrated and defiant. Try saying "You feel ____ because ____." Let that soak in. Maybe talk about it a bit. There's a good chance they'll be more receptive when they feel heard.
6. Be consistent. Do what you said you were going to do. Follow through. It sounds simple, but it can actually be challenging. Do it anyway. It's important.
7. Communicate. Be honest. Teenagers sometimes seem like aliens, but they are human. Tell them how you are feeling, without blaming. "I feel ___ when you ___." These sentences sound dorky in theory but they are helpful when you really just want to yell and accuse. (As we all do sometimes.)
8. Accept them where they're at. They may go through as many phases as pairs of shoes, but this is all a part of the adolescent process. One of the greatest things you can do for them is just go with it. Accept it without judgement.
9. Give them space. A) When they are upset, let them know that you are there to listen when they're ready to talk, and then walk away. Check in periodically to make sure they know you're around, but don't hover. B) When you want something from them, tell them once. Give them a time frame to do whatever it is, and a simple, related consequence if it doesn't get done. Then leave them alone. One reminder right before the time is up could be in order. But don't nag.
10. Be you. While they're trying to figure out who they are, it helps to see adults who are comfortable in their own skin. When I first started working with teens, I tried to be cool, so they would like me. They saw right through it. Now, when I go to work every day, I'm just me. Silly, nerdy, uncool. They wouldn't admit it to my face, (or to yours) but I can tell that they respect me for being who I am. And it's a firsthand lesson on how freeing it is not to try to be someone you're not.
I hope that wasn't too preachy. I'm glad I made this list so I can look back at it and remind myself on hard days. And perhaps I will add more later... hope it was helpful to someone!

Raffle: October Belle Designs
If you would like to know about the trip to Haiti that I'm raising funds for, or need a detailed explanation of how this raffle works, see here. There will be a link back to this post so you won't get lost. :)
If you don't want the long-winded version, here's the short: For every $1 you donate to my Haiti trip, you get one entry toward the prize below. Then just leave a comment saying you donated. That's it!
Today's giveaway is a $25 gift certificate to October Belle Designs For Kids!

Mirinda from October Belle Designs creates beautiful paintings for kids' rooms. Here are some examples:

Enter to win one for your son or daughter, niece, nephew, grandchild, or friend!
Update: This giveaway is open until 12:00 pm on Friday, July 30th. The winner will be announced that afternoon.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
ProBlogger Challenge
The first challenge (as of yesterday, because naturally I'm one day behind) was to create an Elevator Pitch, which is a description of your blog that could be stated to another person during the course of an elevator ride. So here's mine:
A single girl in a small town loving a big God with her whole heart. Living the adventure of walking by faith, learning from mistakes, meeting people where they're at, and loving them like crazy. Kick off your shoes and sit in the grass with me.
Like it?
If you're visiting from the challenge, please check out how you could win a blog makeover here and here!

Raffle: Creative Creations By Cristin
If you would like to know about the trip to Haiti that I'm raising funds for, or need a detailed explanation of how this raffle works, see here. There will be a link back to this post so you won't get lost. :)
If you don't want the long-winded version, here's the short: For every $1 you donate to my Haiti trip, you get one entry toward the prize below. Then just leave a comment saying you donated. That's it!
Today's giveaway is a total blog makeover from Creative Creations By Cristin! The makeover includes a Header, Sidebar Headers, Custom Navigation Bar, Custom Sidebar Header Graphics, Blog Button and Code, Custom Signature, and a Custom Background, worth $41!
Go check out Cristin's page and see her lovely designs.

Cristin designs for Blogger blogs only.
To enter just click here or on the "Donate" box on the top right and then leave your comment.
Update: This giveaway is open until 12:00 pm on Friday, July 30th. The winner will be announced that afternoon.

Monday, July 19, 2010
Raffle: Laura Jane Designs
If you would like to know about the trip to Haiti that I'm raising funds for, or need a detailed explanation of how this raffle works, see here. There will be a link back to this post so you won't get lost. :)
If you don't want the long-winded version, here's the short: For every $1 you donate to my Haiti trip, you get one entry toward the prize below. Then just leave a comment saying you donated. That's it!
The winner of this raffle will receive a full blog makeover from Laura Jane Designs! Laura Jane creates truly beautiful blog designs. Whether you'd like a fun, funky scrapbook-y look, or are going for simple and clean with a touch of personality, Laura Jane can do it! Go check them out for yourself. I'll wait.

Did you love them? Yeah, that's what I thought. Here's what Laura Jane is offering to you:
The Tulip Package, worth $35, which includes: Custom Header & Background, Blog Button & Grab Box, Installation of wide 3-Column Layout, Post Divider & Signature, 5 Sidebar Titles, and a Navigation Menu Bar. A pretty great deal! (Especially you're getting it almost for free!)
Laura Jane will not be able to start on your blog design until August 5th, but by the time I select a winner next week, that won't be too far away!
To enter just click here or on the "Donate" box on the top right and then leave your comment.
Update: This giveaway is open until 12:00 pm on Friday, July 30th. The winner will be announced that afternoon.

Putting The Fun In Fundraising
August 14th – 21st I’ll be going to Haiti with a missions team, through an international organization called Praying Pelican Missions. We will not only be sharing the love of Jesus with a hurting people group, but also helping in the relief effort dealing with the devastation left by the January earthquake. We will be working in schools, churches, and orphanages. I can’t wait to be a part of God’s work in Haiti! My trip costs $600, plus over $700 for a plane ticket(!) and a suggested donation of $300 for supplies. I've raised some of that total, but have a ways to go. (And if I raise extra, it will all be donated to the cause.)
So... my last fundraising effort on my blog did not go exactly as I had hoped. A lot of people entered, and that was awesome and so appreciated, but few donated. If everyone who entered the giveaways that week had donated $1, I would have raised over $220. And if I had been given $1 for every entry total, I would have raised almost $350! Which, needless to say, would have helped a lot.
So this time we're doing a raffle, and the only way to enter is to donate $1 to my Haiti trip (through Pay Pal - very secure!) Every extra dollar donated adds an extra entry to the raffle that you've commented on. If you donate $5, you get 1 entry in each of the 4 giveaways, in addition to 5 entries to the one you commented on!
I hope that explanation was not too complicated. Basically, just click here or on the "Donate" box on the top right, give $1 (or more if you choose), and leave a comment saying you did. (Just one comment is good!) If you're not a blogger, leave your contact information too.
Each of the raffles ends at 12:00 pm Pacific Time Friday, July 30th. The winner of each raffle will be announced that afternoon.
I will put the links in this post as I add the raffles so you can read the instructions and then go back and check out each raffle. There are 3 fabulous blog designers, and one lovely home decorating designer involved in these raffles! Have fun!
Day 1 - Laura Jane Designs
Day 2 - Creative Creations By Cristin
Day 3 - October Belle Designs
Day 4 - Penny Lane Designs

Friday, July 16, 2010
I'm currently reading an amazing book called Strong Women, Soft Hearts, by Paula Rinheart. Here's what she says about vulnerability:
"The word literally means 'able to be wounded.' To be vulnerable is to voluntarily place yourself, for the sake of a larger purpose, in a situation that could bring you pain. You see something at stake... and you are willing to risk your heart in a vulnerable way."
Paula goes on to say that writing is a great place to start. She quotes Nicole Johnson: "How else can we learn about ourselves if not by forcing our hands to tell the truth about our hearts?"
And C.S. Lewis: "Whenever you are fed up with life; start writing: ink is the great cure for all human ills, as I have found out long ago."
Writing has always come easily to me. Sharing, on the other hand, not so much. I am an introvert. I may be described as quiet, and shy. My close friends and family members know that I can talk your ear off when I get rolling, but I require a certain kind of safe space to feel comfortable enough to do so. The more public my blog becomes (which is intentional, don't get me wrong), the more nervous I feel about sharing my heart. And the more compelled I feel to do so. It's quite an inner battle.
Paula hits it right on the head though, asking: "How much of your real life - your story - have you shared with people you care about? How often have you taken the risk to share your heart, to let yourself be known?"
"The strength of vulnerability... that paradoxical place where you discover the strength God has placed in you by actually risking the pain you would normally run from... You step into the difficult place and find you are not blown away... You say the words you need to say. In these kinds of moments you can almost feel your soul expand."
And, if that wasn't enough to convict me, I just started Beth Moore's Esther study, and here are her words that spoke right to my soul:
"One of the most important parts of fulfilling our destiny will be transparency." Ok Lord, I get it.
So I promise to get real and vulnerable with you real soon.
But before I do that, next week I'll be hosting another week of giveaways! (Actually more like raffles to raise funds for my Haiti trip - but still exciting.) 4 chances to win a blog makeover, and one raffle involving home decoration. Come back and check it out!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A Glimpse Of Heaven
The sounds of the birds chirping, the creek flowing, children laughing.
The feel of the sunshine on my face, the breeze in my hair, the ice cold stream on my feet.
The taste of pure water after a hike, meals made on a portable stove, roasted marshmellows.
The view of the mountains, meadows, streams.
This is the place where magic lives in the trees; where memories are stored behind each boulder; where promise whispers in the wind.
A place where I can get perspective, and at the same time let my imagination run wild.
The place that feels like home, but offers endless opportunites for adventure.
A place where families and friends gather for games or stories around the campfire.
In this place, I look out at snow-capped mountains while soaking in a pool of hot water that came bubbling right out of the ground.
In this place, my dogs run happily with their long, pink tongues hanging out the sides of their mouths.
In this place, my mind and body feel more alive, and yet at rest.
In this place, my soul feels closer to God.
This place is one of my favorites in the world. An escape, a getaway, a refuge. A glimpse of heaven.
Grover Hot Springs, California